خب! امروز بالاخره کار Automation اداره اي که گرفته بودم تموم شد، هر چند مسوولين اون اداره فرق کامپيوتر رو با هويج نميدونن چيه اما حداقل پيش خودم احساس خوبي دارم چون که بهترين سيستم ممکن رو براشون پياده کردم. فقط مونده آموزش:(( که اونم تو هفته ديگه بديم بهشون و خلاص!
همه اينا يه طرف، امتحان ميان ترم پنجشنبه که هنوز هيچي براش نخوندم هم يه طرف...
خدا همه رو به خير بگذرونه:-s
از اونجايي که يکي از دوستاي خيلي خوبم از اين آهنگه کلي خوشش ميومد منم گذاشتمش که کلي خوشحال تر بشه:)

It’s raining,
It’s pouring,
My love life is boring me to tears,
After all these years.

No sunshine,
No moonlight,
No stardust,
No sign of romance.
We don’t stand a chance.

I always dreamed
I’d find the perfect lover.
But he turned out to be
Like every other man I loved,
I loved.

Raining (raining)
Pouring (pouring)
There’s nothing left for us here.
And we won’t waste another tear...

If you’ve had enough,
Don’t put up
With his stuff,
Don’t you do it.

Now, if you’ve had your fill,
Get the check,
Pay the bill,
You can do it.

Tell him to just get out,

Nothing left to talk about.

Pack his raincoat, show him out,

Just look him in the eye and simply shout:

Enough is enough
I can’t go on,
I can’t go on no more no.
Enough is enough
I want him out,
I want him out that door now.

Enough is enough (ooh, owww)
Enough is enough
That’s enough, (ooh yeah)

If you’ve reached the end,
Don’t pretend
That it’s right,
When it’s over.

(it’s over)
If the feeling is gone,
Don’t think twice
Just move on,
Get it over. (over, over)

Tell him to just get out,
Say it clearly,
Spell it out:

Enough is enough is enough
I can’t go on,
I can’t go on no more no.
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out,
I want him out that door now.

Enough is enough (ooh, owww)
Enough is enough
That’s enough (ooh)

I always dreamed I’d find
The perfect lover.
But he turned out to be
Like every other man I loved. (I had no choice from the start)
I loved, (I’ve gotta listen to my heart)
I loved. (tearing us apart)

Enough is enough is enough
I can’t go on,
I can’t go on no more no.
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out,
I want him out that door now.

Enough is enough (ooh, owww)
Enough is enough
That’s enough (ooh, yeah)
No more tears...

No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)

I’ve had it, (no more tears)
You’ve had it,
She’s had it. (no more tears)
He’s had it. (no more tears)
She’s had it.

He’s had it.
I’ve had it. (no more tears)
I’ve had it.
He’s had it.
She’s had it.

I always dreamed
I’d find the perfect lover

But he turned out to be
Like every other man I loved

I had no choice from the start
Listen to me, I’ve gotta listen to my heart
Tearing us apart...

Enough is enough is enough
I can’t go on,
I can’t go on no more no.
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out,
I want him out that door now.

Goodbye mister,
Goodbye mister.
Goodbye sugar.

It’s raining,
It’s pouring,
There’s nothing left for us here.
And we won’t waste another tear... (no more tears)

Barbra Streisand - No More Tears Lyrics


i just come" to say """Hello


چه خوش سليقه . واقعا آهنگ قشنگيه

اون قسمت هويج رو كاملا درك ميكنم .... كامل كامل

اين اهنگ رو هم داشتم ولي هر چي گشتم پيداش نكردم دوباره دانلود دارم ميكنم ...خيلي دوسش دارم .

هويج براي سوي چشم خوبه

امتحانتو كه حتما خوب مي دي! مثل هميشه موفق باشي

من نظري ندارم چون خودم در جريان قضايا هستم!!

راضي به زحمت نبدم حالا ا يه چيزي گفتيم :)

سلام . . . اولين باريست که به وبلاگ شما سر ميزنم . . . وبلاگ جالبی داريد . . . خوشحال ميشم به من هم سر بزنيد . . . . موفق باشيد . . . . آزاد


از دست اينا اهنگ بزن بر سينه و سرو بايد ميذاشتي تا همه سير گريه كنيم

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