بالاخره درست شد فکر کنم:) Lollipop باخت!!
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پ.ن: اگر Windows 2000 دارين از اينجا Download کنین:)


سلام با اينكه من ويندوزم اوريژينال هست ولي بازم اينو دانلود ميكنم

thanks! win manam hamin error ro midad! mamnoon Jenabe Aghaye Ali khan!

Ali didi shiraz az tehran jelo tare
Halesho bordiaaaaaaaaaaaaa
khosh bashi doosi

be har hal man tamame talashe khodamo kardam ke shoma az in virus rahat shin...hatta emshab antivirusesham avordam! amma be dalile inke az man 7000 toman o az nooshin 6900 gerefte boudin, be rouye khodam nayavordam
80 tomane manam rad konin biyad..!

Aaghaaye mohandes ! :P:P

man harchi mizanam blognegarr.com nemiaD:( mikham update konaaaam :((

Ali jan mamnoon az lotfet! khosh bashi

Ali jan mamnoon az lotfet! khosh bashi

biaain site azade shaadi konim :D

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This page contains a single entry by Ali published on August 12, 2003 3:34 PM.

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