November 25, 2005


بعضي رفتارها رو که ميبينم خيلي منو به فکر فرو ميبرن. بعضي تناقض ها رو که ميبينم خيلي برام سخته درک کردنشون.
يکي از نمونه هاش، تناقض رفتار بين اعضاي خانواده هاي ايرانيه. برام جالبه وقتي ميبينم مثلا يه پدر و مادر با اعتقادات مذهبي خيلی شديد، بچه هايي دارن که آدم با ديدن وضعيت لباسشون تعجب ميکنه!
به خوب و بدش کاري ندارم. اينش برام عجيبه که چطور از يه چنين پدر و مادري، يه همچين بچه اي تربيت ميشه.
غير از اينه که اعتقاداتشون اونقدر سطحيه که حتي نتونشتن بچه هاشون رو متقاعد کنن؟؟
شايدم يه جور دمکراسيه! به هرحال برام غيرعاديه!

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Piece by Piece
Katie Melua

First of all must go
Your scent upon my pillow
And then I'll say goodbye
to your whispers in my dreams.
And then our lips will part
In my mind and in my heart,
Cos your kiss
Went deeper than my skin.

Piece by piece
is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time

First of all must fly,
My dreams of you and I,
There's no point of holding on to those
And then our ties will break,
For your and my own sake,
Just remember,
This is what you chose

Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time

I'll shed like skin,
Our memories of lazy days,
And fade away the shadow of your face

Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time
One at a time

Posted by agordji at November 25, 2005 11:15 PM